Tuesday 5 June 2012

Aurora Borealis- The Unpredictable Moment

One of the things that I must experience in my entire life is to see the most amazing and the most glorious scene-The northern light in Norway; it also called as the Aurora Borealis. I saw a magazine that displayed an article about the Aurora Borealis today that inspired me while I’m waiting for the other lecturer to start. These lights inspires me to be unique with my creativity in order to catch the attention of others like the secretive aurora that has captivated so many people's eyes. Like the aurora, unique creativity stands our amongst others like the aurora brightens the skies with her lights.  These northern lights are like a greenish white ribbon stretching across the sky and normally with waves in them. Those greenish white ribbons tend to be near with the northern. They contain many parallel rays, running across their width if you see closely with it.

There are two things about those rays. One, the bright ones fade while dim ones brighten instead-a bit like flames in a fireplace. Some auroras are deep red, and these may be just a shapeless glow. Second, the direction of those rays is related to the magnetism of the Earth.

I will never ever miss this mystical moment. The best place to see the glorious aurora borealis is at the northern Norway. The lights are at their most frequent in late autumn and winter or in the early spring. The best time or chance to be spotting the light is on the 21st September -21st March.

The northern light is just like the secretive woman. We will never get to predict when she decides to turn up to show her beautiful and unique appearance. She hates to appear in the full moon. Therefore, we have to avoid the full moon. If we are lucky, we have the chance to see her several times in one day. This secretive woman likes to turn up in the driest weather and in the clear skies.

There are some legends about this Aurora Borealis. Aurora is goddess of the dawn in the Roman mythology. Aurora is the sister of the sun goddess and moon goddess. Aurora is very sad about the loss of her lover and her son. Her tears turn into dew. If you see the morning dew on the petals, is the validation of her grief. Her happiness always brings the luminous green ribbons that we see as the northern light. For the ancient legends of the Eskimos, Aurora is the torch that prepared by Schering to illuminate the road to paradise.

Some people said that, people that saw the Aurora would be happy and blissful forever. And I, am going to  find my own Aurora someday.

The beauty of Aurora Borealis:

The explanation of the Aurora Borealis:


Pictures of Aurora Borealis
Srinistuff. (2012, April 18). Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) [Online forum message].Retrieved from:http://srinistuff.com/tag/norway
Explenation video of the Aurora Borealis
1veritasium.(2012,April 23)Northern light explained-Aurora Borealis-Youtube. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knwiWm4DpvQ

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