Sunday 29 July 2012

The Movie That Really Inspired Me

“Step up Revolution” is the movie that inspired me most. The flash mobs – in traffic, dancing on the roofs, hoods and trunks of low-rider vintage cars in Miami traffic, disrupting museum openings and a developer’s planning meetings – are brilliantly choreographed, well-shot, sharply edited treats.

Director Scott Speer from "The Legion of Extraordinary Dancers" knows where to point his camera and knows how to cut to the beat. Everything from parkour-style stunts and mime to salsa, crunking and interpretative dance is given its showcase here and tapping into flash mobs, those Internet-posted delights in which singers or dancers show up, en masse, and delight a mall, a train station or a city street? Inspiring.
The best part of the movie is when they are popping in the museum and dancing like jelly fishes under the blue light.
The freestyle dance inspired me to do everything in freestyle especially in my artwork. It indicates that there are many ways of solving things or doing things. Just like our daily schedule, we can change it everyday and not necessarily we have to live a dull and routine life all the time. The flash mobs, they give me the inspiration of everything can be done easily if we stayed together in groups. In other words, unity is power. In this movie itself, the dancers get together as one in order to let others know that they’re a force to be recon with. Same as in real life, goals and targets can be reached much easier when we do it in groups. Choreography of the movie such as the part where they’re dancing like jelly fishes in blue light tells me that a well planned project or work can turn out very well. In this case, planning is the key to a successful life. We must always make plans for ourselves’ in life.

Otherwise, we end up lost and oblivious of where we are heading to in life. I personally think that like choreography is important in movies, planning is also crucial especially to university students like me. This is because we are already steps away from going into the real world or society. This movie inspired me a lot and it was a very amazing movie.

Step Up Revolution. (2012). Retrieved from

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