Sunday 22 July 2012

The Amazing Fashion Illustrator

The fashion illustrator that I admire the most is Sandra Suy, she creates many delightful illustrations. I’m attracted to her brilliant artwork. Her style of drawing is influenced by classic fashion illustration and she like to think it is elegant and reflects a timeless beauty. When asked Sandra Suy, what inspired her when she’s doing her fashion illustrations? She answered, “It depends… There are days I cannot find the inspiration anyway and other days I have no time to express all that I have in my mind. I use to search on the internet; I love to do that, for me it is a wonderful source of inspiration and never ending info report. I like visiting fashion and decoration blogs, there are so many and so interesting! I also consult fashion magazines. Walking down the street is also a great source of inspiration for me.”

One of the illustrations I like the most from her is the picture below:

Here are few nice illustrations from her too:

The illustrations that she creates inspired me a lot when I want to start my drawing or even coloring. Her fashion illustrations are amazing. Her technique that she used for these drawing inspired me while drawing and coloring. The perfect and right combination of both drawing and coloring is vital to create an amazing artwork. I too, wished I had such talents. Therefore, I am improving myself in drawing and coloring with a mindset thinking that one day I might paint out a picture as good as she is. 

Sandra suy. (2012). Retrieved from

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